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Morality in Humans

Morality; The Pre-existing and Universal Code Morality: A doctrine or system of moral conduct; particular moral principles or To say that modern morality consists in accepting the standard of ones age is tosuggest that human morality changes with the passing of time. This statement is justunacceptable. Morality is not something of a fad. It should not go through trends likeclothes or popular music, morality is the foundation in which our society is embedded in, a foundation from which human values and standards derive from. If we are to agree thatthese values and standards are flexible within the boundaries of time, and that they containwithin them no ground rooted substructure in society, then there is no way indistinguishing the difference between right and wrong. Morality is what identifies theprinciples in which man exists, to seperate good from bad, and right from wrong, andevery society should strive to discover and achieve these principals. Morality should notchange over time even though cultures and social stratifications do, what was morallyright three thousand years ago is morally right today and should be morally right threethousand years from now. Only with universal principles can we as collective societydiscover what is right, what is wrong, and what is best, therefore there exists not modernmorality but simply morality. An empirical philosopher, W.T. Stace, argues that if we believe all morals areculturally relative, it is impossible for us to judge what is best. Although admitting hedoes not know what is best, he concludes that it is the responsibility of man to discoverwhat is. He does not dispute that moral customs and moral ideas differ from country tocountry and from age to age, but that the fact that one culture thinks something is rightdoes not necessarily make it right just as much as what we believe is wrong in our culturedoes not necessarily mean it is wrong. The fact that the Greeks or th...

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