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Model Society

My model society would be a small society consisting of about one hundred to two hundred people. The people in this society would all believe in the same god, they would also all be the same race. Those are two large issues that cause major conflict among a society. If they share the same race and religion there would be only minor conflict among the society.The people in my society would earn and average household income of about eighty thousand dollars a year. This way the community would be comfortable but they would still have to work to live in the society. This is another issue that causes conflict among people. Jealousy plays a big role in a society without an average income. The education system in my society would be all private schooling. I think that a household in my society would be able to afford sending their children to a private school. Also in my society it would be illegal to have more than two children. This law would be a great help to the community, because there would be no over population, lowered tax rates, and better schooling. My society is better than today’s society because a lot of the reasons for conflict in today’s society have been resolved in my society. My society has a better school system, a better way to handle religion problems and jealousy between members of the society.I think our society today was getting worse before the tragedy in New York, but because of the 11th people have been coming together and helping out in the community a lot more. If we do go into a full war I think the nation will still be the way we are now, but after another year or so after the war, we will all go back to our old ways. All of this patriotism that you see when you drive around, that will slowly decrease back to before the tragedy....

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