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There are many important things that shape the delivery of your speech. Amongthe most important parts of delivery involved are voice production andarticulation. Other important parts of delivery include methods, gestures, eyecontact, and the clothing that you wear. Martin Luther King Jr. is consideredone of the most influential speakers of this century. The delivery and languageof King's speeches has earned him this label. In the next paragraph I shallexamine King's delivery and why he is considered such a great speaker. If youraudience cannot hear you, your speech servers very little purpose. King's mostfamous speech took place in nineteen sixty three during a March on Washington. I'm sure King was concerned with his voice production and articulation. Withoutthese mechanisms of speech King would have gone unheard of. However, King hadno trouble with these mechanisms of speech. I feel that everyone has gesturesthat are unique and King was no different. He moved around during his speechesand used his hand to emphasize points throughout his speeches. I cannot decidewhether king used the memorization or extemporaneous method. If I was to chooseone I would choose the memorization method. During the speeches ofKing we viewed he never losses eye contact with the audience. This is one ofthe reasons why I choose the memorization method. I also feel King'sspeeches came straight from his heart. King was a Baptist minister and waswithout a doubt filled with the spirit of god. I feel King's speeches wereinfluenced by the spirit that lived within his heart. The book states thatyour appearance should be in harmony with your message. King's speeches wereall based on serious spiritual and political issues and a suit and tie were theattire that he choose to wear. King was a educated man and was without a doubteducated in the area of fundamental speech skills. The textbook states that themost effective language was simple, clear, an...

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