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It is said that in Ecuador you can pay off your teachers or professor for good grades, or even for a degree. So my question is: how much do I owe you for the grade on this paper? Whoa Al, this is the United States of America! In this country we work hard to get a degree and good grades in school. Maybe that’s why Miguel came to America, to get a good degree the right way, by learning. Maybe you are wondering at this point what this paper is about and who Miguel is. In this paper I will discuss the life of Miguel and the cultural differences between Ecuador and America by examining the interview I had with Miguel. Miguel is 23 years old, is from Ecuador, and lives in America adapting to our country the best he can. Miguel is also going to Oakland Community College and working on getting a degree in graphic design. Miguel has a lot of caring people trying to help him learn more about our culture. Miguel is also taking English as a Second Language at Oakland Community College. He tells me that he is doing well, and he understands almost everything his professors are helping him learn. Miguel is married to a woman from the United States who he met in Ecuador when she was there on her vacation. Miguel tells me that they fell in love at first sight. They were married in a beautiful beach wetting, and then he moved back to America with her. When Miguel left Ecuador, he left behind his parents, grandparents, 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Miguel really likes our country, despite the cold weather he has found in Michigan. After conducting my interview with Miguel, I have found many differences in our two different cultures. Some major cultural differences between the United States of America and Ecuador pertain to government, medical care, and religion. When Americans think of their government, they think of it as a well-designed and ethical way of running our country. We have the freedom of speech and many more constitutiona...

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