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Massachusetts VS Virginia

Massachusetts and Virginia were very contrasting in most aspects of life. Economy and society, society was based on economy, and economy revolved around aspects of society. Both were based on some of the same aspects of colonization but those similarities eventually dissolved. Religion, it was one of the most important factors in creating a varied society between Massachusetts and Virginia. Massachusetts was mostly a puritan colonies where most were devoutly involved in church; as opposed to Virginia where most people where Anglican and kept close connection with Great Britain. Virginians liked to keep a British way of life, many of which sent their children to be educated in Europe. In Massachusetts many people schooled their children in local groups, allowing a local society structure to grow.Trade, was a great difference to both colonies. In Virginia many plantations lost profit because of the unseen profit loss; Massachusetts on the other hand had it easy because they had large (at the time) cities with ports to export there good directly. Export in both colonies were different, in Virginia the main export was tabbaco, when in massachusettes they had a viriaty such as fish, furs, and lumber. Massacusettes was self sufficient for it’s ecological location....

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