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Legalization of Marijuana has been an issue in the country for around sixty years. Why have we made an issue of it? Why will people not just give up the fight for legalization? After all, marijuana is a drug. It sometimes leads to the use of moredangerous drugs like heroin or cocaine. There are several reasons people fight for thisdrug, and many devote countless hours to this seemingly hopeless cause.Marijuana is known as a gateway drug because it leads in some cases to moreserious drugs. This could be happening because of the way people are getting the drug.To get marijuana you must buy it from a drug dealer off the street. This also gives youaccess to the other drugs that are out there. If a person could just walk into a store andbuy marijuana, maybe it would not lead to the use of other drugs simply because kidswould not be around drug dealers. If you could buy marijuana at your local mini-martwithout fear of punishment then it is possible that the use of other illegal drugs woulddecline. Most Marijuana users are casual users. They fight for legalized marijuana becausethey feel it should be their right to be able to enjoy this drug when they want. Thegovernment claims that legal marijuana would cause extremely widespread use andbecome an epidemic. They say that people would become dependent on the drug liketobacco or alcohol. Marijuana is not addictive. And is not associated with any majorillness. It would seem that legal marijuana and illegal tobacco would be a more sensibleidea. This is because marijuana has less serious effects on health. Also hemp, which isthe main part of the cannabis sativa plant has dozens more uses than tobacco.Medical uses are reasons why this is such a large issue. It has been known sincethe 19th century that marijuana has beneficial uses in medicine. Marijuana has beenproven to help people suffering from diseases like cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. Alsomarijuana can be substituted for more addictive and dam...

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