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Managing Personal Finances

Managing personal finances is an important skill to acquire. However, no where in school is this subject taught. As a result of a lack of preparation, our society is subject to a high percentage of people who lack financial success. Those who are successful at managing their personal finances will find that they are successful in many other areas as well. To learn how to manage personal finances there are books and web sites that provide a step by step guide to successfully managing personal finances. Those who lack financial success often possess many of the same traits. The first reason most people lack financial success is because they lack knowledge, or better yet, a desire to gain knowledge. If a person is not interested in learning how to manage their personal finances, then it is unlikely that they will become successful in doing so. Don’t procrastinate! Successful people get things done early; they are the first to turn things in, and the first to see results. There is no time like the present, so make the most of every day.If a person has not learned how to manage their time, they are also likely to lack financial success. Time that is spent doing nothing, only takes time away from which you can be doing something to improve yourself and your financial status. Also, people who lack financial success, have a lack of foresight. Achievers can look beyond the immediate and into the future. It is important to weigh the results and consequences of every action made. When doing so, it prepares the person for what may be expected, therefore allowing time to devise a plan to encounter that result. This is similar to goal setting in respect to that one must dream to make a dream come true.A big mistake commonly made by the financial failures is conforming. Listen to the advice of mother’s: “If so and so jumped off a cliff would you?” Don’t do what everyone else is doing; dare to be differe...

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