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Madness The Pathway to Mental Clarity

Intelligence is often mistaken for brilliance, and conversely genius is mistaken for madness. Some of the greatest minds have been misconstrued in there time, and it is not until their whole life is taken into observance from the outside looking in, that their genius is realized and appreciated. Websters dictionary defines madness as "the act of being foolish or illogical." Ironically this form of thought has prompted some of the greatest advancements in government, science, and technology. It was the thought that every common man and woman should be included in his or her respective governments that prompted Democracy, a form of government unheard of before the signing of the Magna Carta. It was scientists and inventors thinking outside of the lines that inspired the cure for Small Pox and the invention of the computer. It can clearly be seen that serious thought is often the by-product of irrational thinking, this is also true for literature. It is while in madness, both feigned as well as sincere, that the characters in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet are able to practice true mental clarity and express themselves in a manner free of treachery and falsehood. Both of the Characters, Hamlet and Ophelia, whom assume a role of madness are able to reveal there true feelings for others while the others are confined to Petitio Principi or circular thought. Ophelia is able to make the statement "…we know what we are but know not what we may be" (IV.v.44-45). In this singular statement Ophelia has a profound insight into the actions of the other characters as well as human kind in general. She addresses the King in a manner such as to imply that he knows what his actions have gained him, but also that he knows not what those actions will reciprocate. This idea can also be applied to the general public, because often times we are blinded to the big picture (what we may become) and only see what is right in front of us (wh...

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