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Macbeth Literary Analysis

In Shakespeare’s lifetime he wrote many plays. Many of them were critically acclaimedand others cast aside. The crowd always wanted to be more thoroughly entertained andShakespeare always tried to keep up with the people’s needs. In 1605, Shakespeare was beinghounded for another work of genius. Hamlet and King Lear had just been completed and thepeople begged for more. He knew not of what to write and like many playwrights, he didresearch. He found two stories from Hollinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Shakespeare had already taken ideas from Hollinshed for his plays like Henry IV and Henry V. William decided to combine the reign of Macbeth and the murder of King Duff by Donwald andhis wife, altering both to suit his needs. Macbeth is by far the shortest play that WilliamShakespeare wrote. The main reason why this is so is not because Shakespeare did not havemuch to say, but because King James was so impatient. Macbeth was written basically for theking. In fact, the emphasis on witchery was because King James so heavily believed in sorcery. Shakespeare worried very much about the evil powers insulting the king. After all was said anddone, Macbeth was another barrier to be broken in the great scheme of performances. It was aninstant success. King James and the court loved it along with England. No offenses were madefrom Malcolm needing help from England. Shakespeare had feared that James would beoffended. From that moment on Macbeth would be known by all. Yet the people begged formore and hoped Macbeth would be out done by another astounding play. Shakespeare wonderedhow such a task could be accomplished. What was it about Macbeth that made it loved byeveryone? Shakespeare’s style has been analyzed by many and some still can not figure it out. His poetry has influenced his plays immensely.Apart from the fascinating characters of the two leading roles, the play’s chie...

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