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Macbeth's choice of actions are substantially influenced by the various characters he encounters from the very beginning of the play. In the opening of the play Macbeth is portrayed as a good man. Macbeth is described as "brave", "valiant" "a good and hardy soldier" also honorable, worthy and wise (I.ii.24). Only after Macbeth meets the witches that his character flaws begin to show. The witches prophecy is cause to Macbeth to think selfishly about being king, and then about the murder of Duncan. (QUOTE) Macbeth immediately becomes much more self-involved after hearing the prophecy than he was shown to be before, as the brave and selfless soldier willing to die for his country. (quote) He starts to have constant thoughts about becoming king and has "horrible imaginings" about killing Duncan (III.iii.137). The witches are the first influence on Macbeth, but they are certainly not his last. His own wife, Lady Macbeth is very influential on the descions Macbeth makes. As soon as she receives the letter describing the weird occurrences, and the prophecy of the witches that Macbeth has sent to her, Lady Macbeth begins to plot and plan how Macbeth can become king. She decides to "pour my[her] spirits in thine[his] ear, and chastise with the valour of my[her] tongue all the impeded thee[him] from the golden round" (I.v.23). Lady Macbeth even goes as far as to call upon the spirits to "unsex" her, and make her more strong, and powerful, so that she can help her husband succeed in his desires (I.v.37) She only gives him encouragement to murder Duncan, and doesn't allow Macbeth to question his thoughts for even one moment. When he does ask the question: "If we should fail?'' Lady Macbeth quickly responds "...screw your courage to the sticking place...",( Macbeth does not even come up with his own murder plan, it is of his wife's. Lady Macbeth even teases her husband about his courage, and his desire to be king, which entices him lis...

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