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The Weird Sisters had an influence on Macbeth. The first apparitions made Macbeth greedy. After Macbethbecame king, they influenced him into thinking that he was invincible. This let him make for himself a safesecurity which would come back to haunt him, and at the end destroy him. The Weird Sisters shaped the play intowhat it is through influencing Macbeth. The Weird Sisters start the play off. The first thing they do is tell Macbeth that he is going to becomeking. This plays a major role in Macbeth s greed. This is also a foreshadowing of things to come. Denton Sniderstates: Manifestly the fate of the two heroes is mysteriously wrapped up in these oracles, which in part foreshadow,and in part cause what they foreshadow (Snider 215). What Denton Snider means is that the witches foreshadowthe play, but also through that the build up the greed to have Macbeth cause what they foreshadow. This supportsmy thesis. Since Macbeth knows he is going to become king, he thinks why should he not become king now,instead of having to wait. Hazlitt stated that the reason for all of Macbeth s crimes were the witches, who surprisedhim, and he was impatient to verify their predictions, causing Duncan s murder (Hazlitt 11). Hazlitt noted that inthis statement: "...and from the superstitious awe and breathless suspense into which the communications of theWeird Sisters throw him, is hurried on with daring impatience to verify their predictions (Hazlitt 11). This quoteshows that the witches have control over Macbeth, since he is thrown into their world and pushed on to verify theirpredictions.Before heading to the very known area, let us explore a different point of view. Did the Weird Sistersreally know that he was going to become king, or were they just playing with his mind? Now that is a very strongconversation to take up. Most people, if they just took it from the tops of their heads would say yes, they knewbecause they were demons or witches. But the...

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