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MIndBodyand Spirit

How does our immediate environment shape us to who we are today? Does our daily tasks and experiences affect us to the point where it molds us and changes our feelings and attitudes towards society and ourselves? Who decides if were going to take part and affiliate with our surroundings or technology? Does our parents, friends or family? Both David Orr and Matthew Fox enable us to comprehend these concepts using models for education, work, communities, health, and nature. They both compliment each other in their work because they practice what they preach. Both tie work and study in with spirituality and learning and bonding with nature. Thich Naht Hanh suggests that we have to create an atmosphere of peace and understanding. We all have to reflect on how our bodies need different things to sustain life. We need more than food and water we also have to have a unity with our bodies and nature; if the mind believes the body shall follow. We cannot ignore the bodys messages, we have to educate ourselves and our children to find equilibrium between our mind, body, and soul, and use it in our daily activities.Orrs and Foxs concepts of biophilia and biophobia are very accurate when describing a lot of the people in society, especially in this time of vast technology. I think we all get caught up in the use of technology and some people abuse this right, but the one thing most people do including myself is ignore what has been around us since the dawn of time. Most people do not even recognize or make nature apart of their lives. I think we all forgot how beautiful nature is and how cleansing in can be. I would have to say that my immediate environment is both biophobic and biophilia. My world tends to be more biophobic right now because I really have no time to get out and enjoy nature and its wildlife. I know that I should make time, but I can see how people can get caught up in their own world and never realize what theyre...

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