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Lost Victim

In this semester of Women Studies 101, we have attempted many times to understand that the female experience of one group can be very much different from another group's experience. These experiences all vary by gaps of generations, race, class, and even sub-cultural. I have come to the realization that I am an example of "Duh Feminism" as discussed early on in the semester. My female experience has been very sheltered. I am young and white, and have been raised by liberal middle-class parents in communities with very little diversity. How do I relate to the fights and strife for women's rights and autonomy? It has all been handed to me. There is a sad part to being white and middle-class, it makes you a bit naive. I have been placed under the impression that all three branches of government and the surges of technology are working for "my" benefit. What one has to realize is that these benefits were not catered to myself, or anyone like myself, and not every woman has the same benefits as myself. There is an unwritten hierarchy of rights devised by class, which partially inadvertently includes race. I receive the benefits I have due to my parents income. It is a reality that women's reproductive rights and legislation remain in a hostile environment and are continuously subject to change for the good or the bad. The fact alone that out reproductive rights lie in the hands of others (i.e., government, technology, and profit) questions our autonomy, let alone if they were further restricted or overturned. These changes that could potentially harm the rights of women like myself, would exponentially destroy the rights of lower class women.I have never questioned my reproductive rights, I am on birth control paid for by my parent's insurance. I have had friends who had abortions, which were covered by their parents' health insurance. I live down the street from a Planned Parenthood clinic, and I have a good friend who is a nurse practiti...

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