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Linear B

The discovery and deciphement of Linear B was important to our understanding of the Bronze Age Aegean. From Linear B there is proof that many things existed, which can explain the Bronze Age Aegean better. Linear B can tell us that temples, or small shrines existed in the major places of population, which were equipped with vessels and equipment of bronze. Each file of Linear B was divided into tablets, therefore each tablet was meaningless by itself. All the tablets in the same file were written by the same scribe and different files were written down by a different scribe. From the files it was assumed that a kingdom such as Pylos was divided into Provinces. Each Province was divided into a district, which had a governor and his deputy in charge. Neither at Knossos or Pylos was their king’s names mentioned. Each King had an officer who could have been the chief of the army. There was no evidence of currency from the files, but they did pay women workers with rations of wheat and figs. From the files from Pylos the majority of women seemed to have worked in the “textile industry,” making woollen and linen cloth. Many agricultural products were listed in the tablets such as figs, olives, olive oil, and wine. Animals were mentioned such as sheep, goats, pigs, oxen and oxen. Weapons and tools were also important things they produced and Chariots were mentioned as military equipment.In conclusion, from Linear B, these societies were quite complex at least for their time, but there are still many things that Linear B cannot tell us about the Bronze Age Aegean. Linear B was not meant to be permanent. The tablets were made out of clay and dried in the sun and did not last through time, but the ones that were in a fire got fired. The tablets were really only about trade, and didn’t mention things such as rulers....

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