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Letter to Dalton Trumbo

Trumbo:I am unpleased to be reading about the way that you are neglecting our country during a time we should be together, as a whole, as a country, as the United States of America. Many people shed blood for this country and you have the nerve to mock it. People like you should be sent out in combat in the front line. But no, you would not go because you do not appreciate the efforts of the men risking their lives for you and other American citizens. You are a polarizing demagogue, and I am proud of that because you are not good at what you do.Shame on you for supporting your communist agenda, you are a disgrace to the American people. If there were more people like you we would be just another communist nation. I am concerned about what an unpatriotic fellow such as you would do to get his way out of going to war. Would you leave this country, perhaps say you are a homosexual, or even desert the U.S. army and piss on the flag. You are nothing but a mindless liberal.I find it reprehensible that you have this much time to criticize our country. What do you think Joe Bonham would say if you told him he is living under the conditions that he is for nothing?Sincerely,XXXXXX...

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