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leonardo da vinci

This essay is on the work of Leonard DA Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452. Leonardo was born in the town of Vinci, this was not far from florentine . His fathers name was Piero Da Vinci and his moms name was catrine. Now a days he is known for being a great artist and scientist. People srarted to hear about his talent in 1469. He meet a women that helped him with his painting carreer. Her name was Andrea Verrocchio. She was a leading renaissance master. He joined a painter’s guild in 1472. Then he started doing all his work in the florentine workshop until 1476. In 1482 he left the town of florentine. Then he worked for a man named Duke Lodovico.This was in milan. This went on for about 18 years. After he moved there he became interested in other things. He also knew a lot about mechanics, So he put it to good use. He started to work for military engineering. Leonardo left milan and went to mantua and venice. But in the end of April he ended up back in florentien.He has painted many pictures. For example, he painted the battle of angharia mural. He also painted the original painting of the Last Supper. One of his most famous paintings was the Mona Lisa. Another painting was The lost leda and the swan. After staying there for a while he went back to milan in June 1506. He got called there to work for the French government. When he went back he started working on a new artistic project called the equestarian monument to Gian Giacomo Trivaluzia. His scientific research started getting in the way of his painting. He went to Rome for 3 years then he left Italy for good. He became an architectural advisor for king Frances the third of France. Then leonardo died at the age of 67 on may 2, 1519 at clowx, near amboise, France. His first documented painting was the baptism of Christ. One of his most famous early paintings that was left unfinished was the Adoration of the magi . The reason why it is so imp...

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