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Legalizing Gay marriages

Would legalization of gay marriage be good for the gay community? Sam Isaacson wrote an article analyzing the opinion of the gay community on legalizing same sex marriages. It is somewhat of a controversial issue with the gay community whether or not marriage is a good thing. He divides the community into two groups: integrationists and liberationists. The controversy is caused because of these two different philosophical views. The integrationists want to be as normal as can be. They want to integrate themselves into society. On the other hand, the liberationists cherish their gay culture with their own customs and values. The integrationists want gay marriage and the liberationists object to same sex marriage. Isaacsons belief is to consider the objections of the liberationists. However, he believes that legalization of marriage would benefit gays and society.The liberationists do not care for being part of the normal society. They believe marriage would take away from their way of living and would show that marriage is the right way to live. Isaacson states, We not only abandon the sexual minorities of our community, we strengthen societys narrow notion of what is normal and thereby further confine both straights and gays. Liberationists do not want to lose the unique characteristics of gay culture. Some gay writers have said, Gays have been forced to create different forms of relationships that often allow for a greater and often more fulfilling range of life experiences. Gays are more likely to stay friends with their ex-girlfriends/boyfriends and they form very close relationships without becoming romantically involved. The communication in their relationships is better than most straight couples. The liberationists think that marriage limits and normalizes personal freedom. They do not want to be faced with the social pressures of marriage and their culture is forgotten.Isaacson agrees with the liberationists but man...

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