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Learning from my parents

KerrReflection #4Up until this chapter in our book I had never really thought about my parents parenting skills. There is no doubt in my mind that my parents employed an authoritative parenting style. My parents had always told me they would treat me like the age I acted. Meaning that if I were mature about things they would give me more freedoms, yet if I acted immature that they would treat as if I was the age I was acting. One event that illustrates their authoritative style was when I wrecked my car two weeks after I got my drivers license. I wasn’t where I was supposed to be and they were furious when the cops called them. Yet, they were very compassionate too. They realized that I knew I had done wrong, that I was terrified and, I was hurt (my hand went through my windshield and in turn I had to have surgery and 26 stitches). That night they never yelled at me for what I had done wrong, they comforted me from the time they got to the wreck, till we were on our way home from the hospital. The next day they sat me down and in a very adult like way we discussed everything that happened and what my punishment was to be. As most parents would ground their children from life, my parents knew that doing that would only make me rebel against them. Trust me I was punished, but the worst part of it was knowing that I disappointed my parents. I have yet to have children but I know when I do that I will raise them as my parents raised me. Because my parents were so supportive and always included me and my opinions in their decisions, I never felt any dislike towards them. There were times they made me mad or I didn’t agree with them, but I always respected them. And when I do have children I hope that I can raise them as well as I think my parents raised me....

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