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I feel that the most important leadership trait in your business life is forming good relationships. You must form a good relationship with people in order to become a leader. If you build on a broken relationship then you will not gain that person's trust and they will not want to follow you. If you build a good relationship with someone then trust, respect, credibility and many other traits will also be part of your leadership style. A leader must be some one that can be trusted and respected. If you do not have these traits then no one will want to follow you. You must command respect and that way people will see what you are doing as a good cause and want to follow you. You must also be caring. You must show the people that follow you that they are more then just people but they are your friends. You must make them believe that you will do anything to protect them and that you will not do anything that is meant to harm them. They will treat you with the same caring way if you do this. You must also be a visionary. You must always be looking to the future and thinking of new things that must be done in order to stay on top. An effective leader must be able to know what do at all times. He or she must always have a plan but also be willing to change it. You must realize that there will be bumps in the road that you do not expect and you must be willing to make changes to combat those changes. You must also think of your subordinates and yourself as one family. You must always think of what it will do to the group as a whole and the consequences your actions will have. He must also make choices sometimes that will hurt an individual but will be better for the group. This is part of being a leader even though it is not one of the fun parts.The leader's most important task is to make the best decision for his people. He must take all of the outlying circumstances and process them and come up with what he thinks is th...

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