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Last of the Mohicans

James Fenimore Cooper’s the Last of the Mohicans is a gripping novel that depicts the travel of 7 people through the dangerous woods of western New York The story takes place during the French and Indian war atthe height of conflict. Major Duncan Heyward is accompanying singer DavidGamut and the two daughters of the English colonel Munro from Fort Edward toFort William Henry. Along the way, the four travelers discover that their Indianguide Magua has purposely lead them in the wrong direction. Their only chance ofmaking it to Fort William Henry now rests in the hands of Hawk Eye (a man whoknows the way of the Indians but continuously asserts that he has no Indian blood) and Uncas and Chingachgook (the only two living members of the oncegreat tribe known as Mohican). Together, the group sneaks through the woodsavoiding the French troops as well as the dangerous Huron’s who have formed analliance with the French.The book is full of adventure. Earlier in the book, the travelers stop tospend the night in a cave near a waterfall, but they are attacked by Magua’s alliesthe Huron’s. Hawkeye and the Mohicans managed to escape down the river butHeyward, Gamut, and the Munro sisters are all taken as prisoners by the Huron’s.Magua then tells the group that he seeks revenge on colonel Munro. But before hehad the chance to act, Hawkeye and the Mohicans attacked the Huron’s and killedall but Magua who managed to escape.Although the book had a fictitious spin, a little research shows me that theevents and certain characters are more or less historically accurate. One occasionwas the Massacre of William Henry. Once the travelers arrived at their destination,they learned that the fort was receiving no more troops and would be forced thesurrender to General Montcalm and the French. Montcalm told Fort WilliamHenry that he would allow them to leave with all their belongings, without a fight.However, once the party left...

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