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Land changes after WW2

404-09-01Events that led to World War OneWhen people are talking of war, they seem to always want to know what started it. There are many things that can cause a war. For example, World War One was started because of many things: nationalism, building of arms, entangling of alliances, and imperialism.Nationalism lead to war because Serbia encouraged the people in Austria-Hungary to rebel and join Serbians. Serbia was tired of being bossed around by Austria-Hungary and wanted to be left alone. Also, after the fall out of the Ottoman Empire, later renamed Turkey, Russia and Austria-Hungary almost went to war. The reason they almost went to war was that Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.During this time period Great Britain had the number one navy in the world.Great Britain with their navy controlled the seas. Germany disliked this and startedbuilding its own navy. The race was on, who would have the better navy Germany or Great Britain? Germany did however have one advantage over Great Britain’s navy, theirships would be newer. Germany already had the number one army and if theyaccomplished their goal of building the best navy they could have been unstoppable.Many countries were now forming alliances with one another to protect themselves from other countries. There were six major countries involved in the war.Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. Great Britain, Russia,and France formed the Triple Entente. Now that each country had a alliance with othercountries, nobody feared war.Imperialism also played its role that lead to World War One. Germany got a late start in the colony race. France was having problems with Germany over Morocco (a French colony). Germany wanted to take this colony from France but France would not letthem have it. France alone could not handle Germany so Great Britain came to its aid. Germany feared a defeat by these two countries so it retreated.All these things led ...

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