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Lady McBeths personnal insight

As I sit here and think back to the past events, I wonder if everything that was done was really necessary. I now realisethat it was my own selfishness that drove my husband to the person he has become. I fear him now. I dont know whatbecame of me, maybe it was the excitement of the fact that I was to become queen one day. Why couldnt of I justwaited till the day came naturally, instead of causing it to occur quicker than it should of. Oh why did I do this to myself,and my husband. People used to worship him like he was king, he was a hero, but now, like myself they fear him. I havebetrayed my people. When he told me of the three weird sisters and of the prophecies they made I was skeptical , butthen he told me that he was declared Thane of Cawdor and I knew the sisters spoke of the truth. Oh why worthy thanedid you unbend your noble strength and succumb to my evilness, you knew it was wrong from the start, but still Ipushed and you being the loyal husband that you were, did as I wished. Now, Duncan is dead, dead from our ownhands, not the grooms that slept withal. "the sleepy and the dead are but as pictures; tis the eye of the childhood thatfears a painted devil" what a foolish thought that was, I should of listened toyou instead of taking it upon our ownhands to do the deed. My hands are now stained with the blood of Duncan and no matter how hard I scrub it will notremove itself from my skin. There is a doctor with me, I suppose trying to figure me out. Impossible. All I feel is guilt, Ihave no need to speak to anyone, nor a want to. I know I am insane, he knows it and so does the nurse, so why dothey bother to try. Darling husband you saw the danger signs stamped all over me, but ignored them, because whenthere is unconditional love there is no judgment. That is the way you saw it, that was the way you always saw it. Whathappened, look what you have become. A monster, that is the only way I can express it, a human could not even...

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