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Labor Law

In this day and time there is much debate about the pros and cons of the presence of Unions in our work force today. Whole Foods Grocery is one of the voices that speaks out against the evils of Unions in the present work force and the damage their presence causes in nice wholesome work environments such as theirs. Whole foods talks a good talk yet their actions are in total opposition to the things they speak of. One of Whole Foods short comings is that they assimilate the good they do for the public as that which is good for their employees when in fact what they do for the public has nothing to do with what they are and are not doing for their employees. They cannot explain how it is that recycling, political buttons, organic kidney beans, cruelty-free cosmetics, and other various politically correct actions, helps the employees. The answer to the problems of the employees is not in just joining one of the unions, but rather it is in joining one strong union that will serve the needs of the majority if not all the employees. As it stands now the two present unions are not helping the employers situation, but rather the unions are helping to add to the problem. This is evident by the fact that the picket line consists of mainly African-Americans and Latinos. Joining multiple numbers of unions does nothing but help to divide the people therefore taking away any power that the employees may gain through joining the unions, and what is known as collective bargaining. My advise to the employees of Whole Foods would be that they do vote to join a union, but first that they determine which union would best represent all of their needs and then vote to have that single union represent them. The other reason that I would advise these employees to join a union is that while it is true that free market economy provides some protection against exploitation, it is obviously not enough. If employers are practicing the same unsavory behavior to t...

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