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Before the World War II era, the smallest Asian community to settle in the United States of America was the Korean American community. Between 1903 and 1905, immigration records show some seven thousand Koreans migrated to Hawaii.Hawaii had been annexed to the United States in 1898 and organized as a territory in 1900 A fraction of those immigrants came to the mainland. After 1905, sizable.Korean emigration was all but stopped by Japanese overlords. Tens of thousands of Koreans then went or were brought to Japan, but their descendants are still not granted citizenship and other human rights. The early Korean American community differed from the other Asiancommunities in social characteristics. The Koreans were largely a community of.families, and a majority of them had converted to Christianity before leaving theirhomeland. They saw Christianity as a kind of protection from the brutal Japaneseregime. (Encyclopedia of American Social History, Volume II, pages 880-887)(America-A New World Power, Page 107) The changes in the world that were made by World War II opened thegolden door of immigration once again. However, Korean immigration to the UnitedStates was most greatly influenced by the Korean War and fueled anew by the Immi-gration Act of 1965. Before World War II, Korea had been one country, but in the aftermath of that war, Korea was taken from Japan and occupied by the Soviet Union north of thethirty-eighth parallel, and by the Americans south of that line. After four years of occupation, American forces left South Korea in 1949. North Korea saw this as the chance they had been waiting for, the invasion of South Korea...(Readers' Digest, The Story of America, 457) The Korean War began June 25, l950. It was early afternoon in New York,high noon on the West Coast, and four o'clock in the morning in faraway Korea.The summer monsoons had just begun, and heavy rains were falling, when...

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