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Knowing Minds of Others

Is it possible to know what is going on in another persons mind? I wouldnt say that it is possible to know what is going on in another persons mind, but I would say that you can have a pretty good idea of what is going on in their mind. I dont think that there is any possibility that anyone could know what is going on in someone elses mind without having that person be hooked up to some kind of electrical devise that outputs what is going on in their mind. Then and only then do I thinkthat that is the only way someone can tell what someone else is thinking.With the example of having a pretty good idea of what is going on in someoneelses head; I have three friends that are girls and they are pretty much inseparable, butwhen they are apart they always know what the other one is doing and have a pretty goodidea of what they are thinking and doing at that particular time. They know each other sowell that they can finish each others sentences, just look at each other and know what theother one is probably thinking, and kind of sense what the other one is thinking and mightdo.Going back to the question of being able to know what is going on in anotherpersons mind; Like I said before, I dont believe that there is a way that someone canpossibly know what is going on in another persons mind. Of course, people will say thatthere are psychics that can know what is going on in someone elses mind or be able toknow of things that only that person would know. This is all fake because psychics have away of luring out things from people and making them think that they know things aboutthem or know what they are thinking or feeling.I have some really good friends that I have know all of my life, and we knowpretty much everything about each other. Even though we know so much about eachother, there is no way that any of us could know what is going on in each others mind. Of course, we can have a pretty good idea of what each other is thinking, but w...

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