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King Arthur1

King Arthur, the legendary king of Britain, lived a life full of magic and controversy. His life and actual presents on earth has been disputed for a thousand years. The only records of his existence have been passed on in stories (Drabble 879). The popularity of King Arthur has only flourished over the years. This includes a great number of books and many movies (Starkillen 1).The birth on Arthur has come to be one of the most disputed events on his life. In the story, it states that Uther falls in love with Gorlois’s wife Igraine. Uther, who is madly in love with his nemesis’s wife, begs of Merlin to help him. Merlin agrees to help Uther for a price to be named later. Merlin casts a spell to make Uther look like Gorlois. While Gorlois is away a war, the disguised Uther enters the castle. Igrain, believing that Uther is Gorlois excepts him that night and soon she becomes pregnant. The next day Uther kills Gorlois in battle. Soon after that Uther would marry Igraine. Nine months later Arthur was born (Harrison 3).It is said that shortly after the birth of Arthur he was taken away from his parents by Merlin. Merlin took the boy as payment from the agreement with Uther. Arthur was kept alone with Merlin for an unknown amount of time before he was fostered by Sir. Ector. Arthur would grow up with Ector’s son Kay. Supposedly Merlin stayed around and taught Arthur during his young years (Ford 4).While Arthur lived with Sir. Ector and Kay, the current king of England died without an heir to the thrown. Kay, who was recently knighted, traveled to London to compete in a tournament to decide who the new king would be. Kay brought along Arthur as his squire. The first day of the tournament, in a rush to make it to the field on time, Arthur forgot Kay’s sword in the hotel room. Kay ordered Arthur to fetch it quickly. On the way to the hotel Arthur passed by an Abby, and he noticed a sword in a stone....

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