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Kants Refutations of the proofs of the Existence of God

There are three types of proof for the existance of God: The Ontological Proof: God is the most perfect conceivable being. Existence is moreperfect than non-existence. God by definition exists. The Cosmological Proof: Everything contingent must have a cause. If this cause is alsocontingent, then it too must also have a cause. This chain ofcauses and effects must have a beginning - a necessary cause. Thisnecessary cause must be God.The Physico-Theological Proof: Observations about the particular constitution of the sensible world provide proof of the existence of God.As we saw earlier in the CPR, there are two types of judgment: analytical and synthetic. The example that Kant used for an analytical judgment was “a triangle has three angles” (p.564). This is obviously true, because by definition a triangle must have three sides - all that one would need is the knowledge of the definition of triangle in order to see that the predicate (three angles) is contained in the subject (triangle). The ontological argument claims to be analytical in that it proves the existence of God because existence is contained in the definition of the word God. An analytical judgment, like the one given above, does not imply necessity - the words “if” and “then” are implied. The statement could also be read: “If there are triangles, then they have three angles” and could be negated without contradiction “If there are no triangles, then they do not have three angles”. However, it is claimed that the ontological argument is the single exception to this rule. If existence is in the definition of the word “God” then: “If there is no God, then no God exists” is a contradiction and would be like saying: “If there are no triangles, then the concept of a triangle does not contain three angles”. As soon as a person has admitted that he/she...

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