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KOrn Pretty

i see a pretty face smashed against the bathroom floor... "Jonathan sat on the floor next to the window in his dark bedroom alone. He watched the cascade of rain drip down his window from off the roof. Lighting stroke across the morbid night sky. His body, which was curled up in a ball, was leaning against the wall. His sad brown eyes were filled with salty tears while listening to his father and stepmother fight in the kitchen. His stepmother was very contemptible. His father wasn't. He was a good man, very benign, but Jonathan didn't realize that when he was a child. He resented his father for always being away from home, on the road touring, but he didn't know at the age of 3 what it meant by having to support your family in any way you can. Even now, when he was a teenager he resented his father for not understanding him. It seemed as if no one understood him. And that bisected his heart. It was going on 2:30 A.M. and Jonathan knew he should have gone to sleep hours ago. He had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to go to work at the corner's office. Many people found it bizarre that he worked at such a morbid, strange place, especially for someone at the age of 17. It wasn't just the fact that he was working there that made it so strange it was how his personality didn't match with one who is meant to work at a corner's office. He seemed very aloof. He didn't dress in gothic garb nor did he dress in gaudy garb, he just seemed normal, like any other kid. But he wasn't normal; there was an undertone of something along the lines of eccentric-ness in his personality, which you had to strain to see. He did however wear eyeliner from time to time but no one found that to be odd, they just thought of him to be gay. "The town faggot" is a name, which would be linked to Jonathan for the rest of his life. Being a corner's assistant was a dexterity job. He seemed to enjoy the job and was very diligent, but at the same time, it destro...

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