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Juviniles and the death penalty

Executions of juveniles began in 1642 with the execution of Thomas Graunger, from Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts, his age was not stated in the reference. (Minimum Death Penalty Ages) Three hundred and fifty years later, Twenty-Three states have legalized the execution of juveniles. Eighteen of those Twenty-three states have lowered the legal age of execution to sixteen. (Minimum Death Penalty Ages) For reasons unknown the public has supported the death penalty since this country’s existence. In this day and age of increasing violence, both juvenile and adult, it is time to re-examine the use of the death penalty as the ultimate solution to crime. The social repercussions of enforcing the state executions of juveniles far outweigh any of the benefits that may be gained. The cry for the death penalty is most loudly heard when referring to it as a deterrent. According to Allen Kale he estimates that about 76% of the American public support the use of the death penalty as a deterrent, however that support drops to less than 9% when referring specifically to juveniles. (Kale, pg. 35) The mindset of the American public seems to be drastically different when dealing juveniles. And yet, with only 9% of the public supporting the policy, it remains in effect. Another strong out cry for the death penalty comes from those wanting restitution for the death of a loved one. It is the thought that a life is the ultimate price to pay, which fuels this argument. The delineation between adults and juveniles is much less clear on this point. Age doesn't seem to make much of a difference when dealing with restitution. Putting an individual to death seems to put the minds of certain individuals at ease. This argument seems to make the 9% be the vast majority of supporters then the low number it actually is. The distinction between juveniles and adults is a very important one. It is often a deciding factor when one is choosing to support the death pe...

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