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Were the colonist justified in declaring independence from England? I feel that they had plenty of just cause to separate themselves. England was taxingthe colonies without fair representation in Parliament, the British also tookaway the right to assemble, and they were using different tactics to attempt tointimidate the colonists.One of the greatest thing that angered the colonists was the taxationwithout representation. The British government had good reason to tax thecolonies, because they just went to war to defend them. That they understood,but they didn’t appreciate the fact that they didn’t have a say into how thedebt would be paid. The British passed the Townshend Acts to offset the wardebt. This caused the colonist to reinstate the boycott on luxury items.England then passes the Tea Act taxing imported tea, but also gives theBritish East Indian Tea co. a complete monopoly, cutting the middleman outof the deal, thus putting American merchants nearly out of business.As time went on, and the British got a little more nervous about thecolonies’ acts of rebellion, they decide to try and stop it by taking away abasic right, the right to free assembly. This further angers the colonist.England pushes harder on the colonists until an assembly was considered tobe two guys meeting on the street. All of this forces the colonists to meetunderground. During this entire period the British were starting to make attempts tointimidate the colonists in hopes to end the rebellions. It seemed that the moreand more England tried to scare the people, the angrier they got. The tacticsobviously didn’t work, but instead pushed the colonists even further intostanding up against Britain. The British soldiers in America were told not toentice violence, and especially not to kill anybody. Accidents do happen, asshown with the Boston Massacre. The crowds were getting rowdy, made thenBritish soldiers panic, and they opened up fire. T...

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