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The word art carries different meanings to different people. Some appreciate art in all aspects while others just know it exists. In an elementary classroom, art allows perception, awareness, judgement, and the expression of ideas to occur in ways that are not technical such as mathematics or language. Gardner’s study of multiple intelligences helped to support the use of art because of the different types of learning that an individual can be able to experience. Gardner also believed that children should interact with his or her environment, which can be accomplished by experiencing art.When art is used in a classroom, children have to be encouraged with sensitive guidance. Art can be integrated into a learning program with problem solving around projects. The teacher uses the product of an art activity to express the understanding of the concept. At a Reggio Emilio school, children are also encouraged to rework any artwork if they fail to convey the intended purpose of the project. The work is done in groups by the students but also planned in pairs by the teacher. By making the arts the core of the curriculum, societies can begin to reaffirm their cultural role in children.Through many education classes, I have studied the importance of experiencing the environment to learn. I have also studied the importance of multiple intelligences in the classroom. Through educational psychology, I have also studied the theories of different philosophers such as Bruner, Gardner, and Vygotsky. Reggio Emilio has also been discussed and observed in the classroom through a video and discussion. Teachers can use art in their classroom for exploration in any subject. Teachers can use the elements and principles of art to teach pattern. Teachers can also incorporate art as an experience for the relaxation or dealing with anger. Parents can also use art as a bonding experience in order to work together with their child. Art can a...

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