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John Stuart Mills

John Stuart Mill was one of the most well regarded and widely renowned philosophers and economists in history. He was considered a philosophical genius by the age of 20, and was mainly taught only by his father. His father believed that he should be educated and be taught many different languages and philosophies to become a well-rounded individual. When he had to end his studies early in life because of a mental breakdown at the age of 20, he soon recovered and was something different than when he first studied. Not long after he recovered he showed how different he was than his father and began writing in the Westminster review. He has widely been known for his views on liberalism that he showed in On Liberty. Mill believed that the individual was essentially sovereign over his own mind and body, a belief known as individual autonomy. The only thing individuals could do justifiably to violate other individuals' autonomies was in pursuit of self-protection, where the other individuals had broken into theirs first. Millsian philosophy was completely against negative liberty, or the absence of restraint, chaos. However, on the other end of the spectrum, Mill also opposed the tyranny the majority could impose on any minority, particularly the individual, by way of legislative control. Mill strongly believed in the practice and respect of law, and that minorities of any sort should be protected and only suppressed if the greatest good for the greatest number was being harmed in a judicially illegal way as to harm the general populace, although he never set an objective standard as to what was or was not harmful to the majority. It is of no surprise that he also supported individual freedom of thought and expression on the grounds of individual autonomy and minority protection. He stated that such freedom would encourage and not interfere with individual development, both social and intellectual, and would help in the emergence of t...

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