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John Bull the art of a traveling man

When discussing the work of John Bull and how very different it is and how this may be because unlike other carvers he traveled as a sailor and clearly saw many different cultures, but which? I thought I might Find out where the major trade roughs running out of Newport when he lived and therefor what possible places Bull might have been. Such as did he see the Sistine chapel himself or was that just from the new books and did he go to Africa and where else ? Can many if any similaritys be seem in his work and the art of the places ships whent? I found that he is likly to have traveled beteewn the years of 1753 and 1764some of the destinations for ships from newport during these times were Spain, Russia, Ireland,Dominica,Portugal,Soulth America and all of the west cost of Africa.(1) Hardly a short list however intestingly no ships whent to the Orient at that time.John Bull is remembered by his son Henry Bull the 4th As about 5ft 9 in or 5ft 10 in , light complexion. and light blue eyes, of a hardy and robust constution , and, though good looking was not so handsome as his father in his temper he was quick but not vengeful, his judgment of men and things was sound and comprehensive. His natural talents were of the frist drder, though not much refinded by education; he retained much of the sailor manners which he had acquired in nautical life, but was always repsected and ofton courted by those of the first cicles of socity. ( 2). Jonh Bull was the son of Henry and Phoebe Bull he resived a common school education, 1. found in collected edition2. also bullitonby the time he was old eough to work his father was too advanced in age and redused. in circumstance to continue supporting them. So john was sent to work as an aprentence to Willam Stephens who had married Johns sister Ann. he was train as a stone carver by Willam as well as working part time in an grocery store also kept by the Stephens. He was there only a short time...

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