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Jim Ellars MEPA Theory

TheoryIt was a nice, warm, sunny day in the city of Littleton, Colorado. The bell rang like it does every day, telling everyone that school was starting. This day was going to be different, though! Within a matter of hours, the peaceful, yet busy halls of Columbine High School would turn into a living Hell on Earth by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold! Why did this tragedy happen? Does the saying, Survival of the fittest, play in this? We will take a look at this occurrence and try to explain it through my M.E.P.A. (Mental/Emotional/Physical Adaptation) Theory. This theory deals not only with the physical form of evolution that Charles Darwin created, but goes much deeper into the mental, emotional and [advanced] physical evolution of the being that we call man. As you probably will observe, this appears to make a domino effect, starting with the mind. Now, let us delve into this subject.Basically, you need to find food to eat and a place to sleep at night; you must do this daily. You may not think you are going through this process, but take away that great job, the possible spouse who helps you pay the bills, the social standing that you have, or put a tragic accident that takes away your working skills in there; remove the safety net that society has provided, and things will return to the primal equivalent of square-one in terms of survival. Forty-five percent of Americans say that their social standing is what got them where they were. Thats a big number isnt it?First we will look at the first stage of this evolution, the mental stage. This stage pretty much sets the course of what every other stage will take. A hostile physical environment creates a hostile mental environment. We were taunted and terrorized by the jocks, they called us faggots, bashed us into lockers, and threw rocks at us, every day, and 18-year-old anonymous member of them, now, famous Trench Coat Mafia says. I cant describe howhard it was to get up in the morning...

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