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Jesse Owens and the Berlin Olympics

The Olympics, an event where the most physically fit push themselves to the extreme to win against other nations. In 1936, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis held the Olympics in Berlin, Germany. American athletes were trying to decide if they should travel to Berlin and take part in the “Nazi Olympics,” or should they just stay home and protest German racism? The Berlin Olympics was a personal issue for Jesse Owens. He wasn’t sure that he should join because of the racism. But he had a lot to show the world. He became a track star in Ohio, during his high school year. The high school track Coach Charlie Riley noticed his running ability when he saw him during a PE class, and asked him to join the tack team. When Owens told him he couldn’t make it to after school practices because of his job. The coach personally offered to train him before school started in the morning. Owens agreed and began his training. Owens also accomplished many goals such as; during senior year in high school he tied the world record for the 100-yard dash with a time of 9.4 seconds, and tied it again in the Interscholastic Championships in Chicago. While in Chicago, he also leaped a distance of 24 feet 9 5/8 inches in the broad jump. At the Big Ten meet in Ann Arbor on May 25, 1935, Jesse set three world records and tied a fourth, all in a span of about 45 minutes! Jesse had an ailing back the entire week leading up to the meet in Ann Arbor. He had fallen down a flight of stairs, and it was questionable whether he would physically be able to participate in the meet. He received treatment right up to race time. Confident that the treatment helped, Jesse persuaded the coach to allow him to run the 100-yard dash. Remarkably, each race timer had clocked him at an official 9.4 seconds, once again tying the world record. This convinced Owens' coach to allow him to participate in his other events. A mere fifteen minutes later, Jesse took his first att...

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