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Japense government

Japanese Government Vs American Government In this report I will compare and contrast Japans Executive Branch to the American Executive Branch, such as the Japanese Prime Minister to the American President, and also some of the other offices of the Cabinet. The Japanese government isn’t all that much different than that of which we Americans have. Both countries have an executive leader, which is the Japanese Prime Minister, and of course the American President. Both countries also have a constitution, the Japanese was not written by choice though, but written under General MacArthur’s supervision in 1946 following their surrender in World War II, when an Occupation Government was also set up for them, most likely not by choice. Their constitution is almost identical to ours because it states that political power rests with the people, and also starts out the same as ours by saying; We, the Japanese People. Both countries have a legislature, which theirs is called the “National Diet.” The two countries have a whole different structure of government. In America we directly elect our president by a vote through the whole country, which isn’t what it is like in Japan. In Japan it goes through this system; 1st the voters of Japan elect the Diet, or what we would call the legislature, which consists of the house of representatives, and the house of counselors. The diet then chooses a Prime Minister, or president, which the House of Representatives can dismiss him, within a certain reason. After these processes, the Prime Minister then appoints the Cabinet, which exercises the executive power in the Central Government. In the diet, there are 512 members of the House of Representatives, chosen from 130 election districts, with one exception elects from 3 to 5 representatives. Each voter has one vote, but 3 to 5 candidates who receive the largest amount of votes are elected, and serve for 4 years unless the parli...

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