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Jane Eyre4

Janes arrival at the Thornfield Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre displays three types of relationships possessing different purposes. These connections are established at Thornfield after Jane becomes a governess and accepts the position at the estate. The first relationship is the one that forms between Mrs.Fairfax, the housekeeper, and Jane. Another relationship that begins upon arrival at Thornfield is the one that Jane possesses with Adele, her pupil. The last and most important relationship that begins is that of Mr. Rochester and herself. These connections contribute to the crucial development of Janes persona.The first relationship Jane is susceptible to is the one established between her and Mrs. Fairfax. Jane believes Mrs. Fairfax to be quite generous host because at first Jane has the notion that Mrs.Fairfax is the owner. She then discovers that she is the housekeeper. She feels better knowing that the kind behavior exhibited is not unusual because Mrs.Fairfax is but the housekeeper and not the owner. Jane feels better knowing that she can act more comfortably. Jane feels satisfaction as the housekeeper tells her how content she is now that she has a companion that is worthy to participate in discussion. She believes the other servants can not hold a conversation very well. Mrs. Fairfaxs predictable kindness allows Jane to feel more at ease with her. In a way it can be seen that Mrs.Fairfax serves almost as a mother figure to Jane. Another relationship that I noticed is the unique one that is shared between Adele and Jane. Adele is presented as the spoiled pupil who although quite the fidgety, loquacious child wins a portion of Janes heart. The relationship that is formed due to the large amount of time spent together is one that happens not only because of fondness but it is one that is inevitable. The bond begins to take on the appearance of a mother daughter relationship because Jane controls Adeles actions (...

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