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J Edgar Hoover

Edgar HooverMike SorcicAmerican History5/23/99For nearly half a century J. Edgar Hoover was one ofthe most powerful officials in the Federal government of theUnited States. As head of the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation from 1924 until his death in 1972, he was thenations chief law enforcement officer. His intimateknowledge of politicians and government operations made hima man to be feared by elected officials, and none of theeight presidents under whom he served dared fire him.J.Edgar Hoover was born on January 1, 1895, inWashington D.C. He attended George Washington Universityand earned a degree in 1917. In 1919 he became assistant toAttorney General A. Mitchell Palmer in the Department ofJustice. It was Palmer who instigated the post World War Ired scare, an anti-Communist hysteria that led to thedeportation of many aliens. Hoover was put in charge of thedeportations. When Hoover became director of the Bureau in1924, he quickly formed an elite force of powerful lawenforcement officers. He enhanced the FBIs fame bycapturing many gangsters, bank robbers, and otherlawbreakers. After World War II he waged a relentless fightagainst internal subversion. By the 1970s Hoover was oftencriticized for his authoritarian methods. He died inWashington, D.C., on May 2, 1972. In the rest of the paperI will explain more in depth of how J.Edgar Hoover rose topower and why he is considered one of the most corrupt mento ever hold a government position.It is not very difficult to figure out the mostoutstanding characteristic of J. Edgar Hoover. Out of allof his characteristics, the one that truly stands out isthat he was extremely powerful. J. Edgar Hoover is the mostfamous law enforcement officer that the United States hasever known. J. Edgar Hoover began his adult life at thebottom of the ladder with a very limited amount of power. As he grew older and became more experienced, his prestigeand power skyrocketed. At the height of his p...

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