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JS Mill

The principle of utility is that pleasure and happiness are valuable, pain and suffering are disvaluable, and anything else only causes the happiness or adds to the suffering. A utilitarian is someone who believes the principle of utility to be correct, and is therefore concerned with maximizing the utility of the universe. Utilitarianism indicates that an action is right if it produces as much or more of an increase in happiness, or wrong if it does not.Utilitarianism is ultimately concerned with happiness, and utilitarian's believe that the intrinsic value of happiness is unaffected by the identity of the being in which it (happiness) is felt. This means they reject egoism, racism, sexism, and other forms of unfair discrimination. This does not mean that people are not different. We are taller, smarter, stronger than others, but there is no logical reason for assuming that a difference in ability justifies any difference in the consideration given to their interests. John Stuart Mill, more commonly know as JS Mill, was a philosopher in the 17th century. Born in London in 1806 to James Mill, a well- known philosopher and economist, he became widely known for his essays and writings. In his book Utilitarianism, Mill defends his Greatest Happiness Principle, and explains why he thinks that higher pleasures are better on utilitarian grounds that lower ones. In his defense of the Greatest Happiness Principle Mill says that just as the only proof that something is visible is that someone sees it, so the only proof that something is desirable is that someone desires it. He also says that people ultimately want their own happiness. I believe in the Greatest Happiness Principle, because I think that happiness and fulfilling ones desires are very important. On the other hand, I am having a little trouble agreeing with all of Mill’s arguments for the GHP. Just because you see something, does not necessarily mean that it is visible. A pe...

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