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Israel Economy

I can't find the paper I actually turned in but this is where I got all my info from. It has has all the web addresses for works cited.It's Also Good for the Economy(Op-Ed by Sever Plotzker, "Yediot Ahronot", 26.10.98, p. B5 What the parties will gain: the economic aspect of the agreement. The second redeployment agreement can serve as a springboard for both the Israeli and Palestinian economies, separately and together. The greater beneficiaries, politically, economically and propaganda-wise, are the Palestinians. The agreement removes restrictions and solves hardships that have prevented growth and development in the Palestinian Authority. The influence of the Israeli economy has been lessened and will be expressed mainly in the change of atmosphere. In the coming months, the three countries -- Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority -- will be considered by the international business community to be more stable and less dangerous and thus more attractive for investment. If investments arrive is another matter, depending on the global economic situation. President Clinton has promised Israel "security aid," but no economic aid, to implement the agreement. The amount of the special aid will reach hundred of millions of dollars, Jerusalem believes. The expense must be approved by Congress. Will the second redeployment agreement have the power and spirit to pull the Israeli economy out of its recession and calm the foreign currency market? Doubtful. Much more is needed to do that -- an economic policy devoted to growth, a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian-Arab peace, as well as a renewal of the concept of a "New Middle East Economy." What are the economic advantages for the Palestinians from the second redeployment agreement? In a sentence, they will be less dependent on Israel and will stand more firmly on their own feet. * An international airport in Gaza will serve tourists, visitors and Palestinian importers and exporters, wit...

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