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Isnt Killing Illegal

A woman works twelve hours a day and her husband is always away on business trips, so she feels the child she is now pregnant with would be neglected and not loved as much as it should be. She and her husband decide to have an abortion, because in the back of their minds killing is better than neglecting or the option of adoption. The woman goes to see a doctor because she still feels the family the child will be brought up into will not completely satisfy its needs. The doctor tells her she is too far long in her pregnancy and chemicals will not work, so a partial birth abortion will have to be performed. After talking the situation over with her husband they decide to go ahead with the abortion, and a week later she returns to the ?doctors? office to have the abortion preformed. The doctor begins by inducing labor and giving the patient sedatives and pain- killers. After part of the living child is out the process is stopped and the doctor purposely and intentionally kills the living being. After the child is dead the mother continues to give birth until the innocent and dead child is ?born.? Luckily partial-birth abortion, as depicted above, is banned, but all other abortions still being performed are also wrong and inhumane. Supporters of abortion claim, ?life does not begin at conception, it begins at birth.? ?A fetus does not have any feeling or rights? is the claim made to support the immoral outcome of ?a woman?s choice.?1. A fetus has no feeling. This statement is partially true, but a fetus is only numb for the first seven weeks after conception. By eight weeks a fetus has nerve cells throughout its entire body and has an abundance of brain activity. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who has performed more than 60,000 abortions in his lifetime, is now taking on the role of a pro-life activist. Why? Mainly due to his viewing of an ultrasound of a fetus during an abortion. After viewing the video Dr. Nathanson decided to ...

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