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Is Jankfood causing a major concern in Todays society

'Junk food' is causing a major health concern in today's society especially in the western countries such as the U.S., England and Australia. 'Junk food' consists mainly of confectionery, hot chips, deep fried foods, potato chips, fatty foods, hamburgers, cokes and sometimes even power bars and health bars. These foods are most of the time extremely addictive.One of the most popular types of junk foods is fast food. This food is mainly purchased because it is cheap, and This junk food is also one of the worst types. The food is usualy not hygeinic (how many times have you heard about rats tails in the hamburgers?), and high in saturated fat , which is practically cholestrol!Junk food is the highest contributor to heart disease and obesity. This is helpful to know because we need a better understanding and know how to choose what to eat. About half of children aged 5-12years are overweight or underweight.It is also helpful to know that we have a very smart function in our body, our metabolism. The rate in which we burn the food we eat. Without a metabolic system, we would have to run 10 kilometers just to burn of a hamburger.!But despite health hazards, sugary junk food is still needed in an average persons daily diet, such as chocolate. Chocolate is full of carbohydrates, which provide a major source of energy to active and the not very active. This is often ignored because most people still believe in the old wives tale "sugar is very high in fat.". Bull. Sugar is not high in fat, it has no fat at all. Also, one teaspoon of sugar is equal to 16 calories, and 16 calories is practically the same as a gram or two of fat.Go on, you decide now on what to eat....

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