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PourakisDr. WeinsteinBusiness InternshipJune 13, 2000 I have now come to the conclusion of my internship at END DWI (End Driving While Intoxicated). Our organizations mission is to reduce, if not end, the number of deaths and tragedies that are caused by the carelessness of drunk driving. The amount of people killed every year by drunk driving is astonishing. Picture this, you could fill every seat at Madison Square Garden with people killed by drunk driving. END DWI is committed to limiting this senseless tragedy and has done an excellent job in many factors relating to this subject. Florence Nass, Founder/Director of END DWI and also my supervisor, played a key role in changing the New Jersey drinking age from 18 to 21 years old. She also does a lot of work on legislation for stiffer laws regarding penalties to deter drunk driving. Along with legislation for Victim's Rights, which get thrown by the wayside because people who have killed or maimed because of their carelessness used to have more rights than the victims themselves. It used to be a common defense tactic to have the victims' family removed from the courtroom because it would sway the jury's decision. Now victims have every right to be in the courtroom and may even show to the jury either a picture or video tape of the victim to show how precious this person was and that he or she is not just a name on a piece of paper. END DWI is committed to providing services to victims. We have a Hot Line for victims. We offer counseling to anyone in need. We also do court accompaniment with the victims and when the judge and jury see the presence of END DWI in the corner of the victim they are not very lenient to the defendant. Another thing we do is to educate. We have a variety of different speakers who go to local middle schools, high schools, and colleges all over Hudson, Bergen, and Passaic Counties. For example, we have an excellent speaker name Steve Benvenisti...

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