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Internet Protocols and Infra Structure

Network: Anything reticulated or decussated at equal distances, with interstices between the intersections. - A Dictionary of the English Language A network is simply a collection of machines connected in some way that allows them to communicate with each other and share information. To do this the machines have to be connected in some way that allows communication, and have an agreed upon a language to talk when they do communicate.Components of a network might include individual hosts, some form of communications hardware, a network protocol and a collection of network services.B) Individual hostsA network is a collection of individual machines sometimes referred to as hosts. Each host (computer) must have some unique identifier that allows other hosts to talk to it.1.2 COMPONENTS OF A NETWORKA) Network ProtocolIn order to communicate the parties must speak the same language. Languages on computer networks are referred to as network protocols. A network protocol is simply a set of rules and formats that govern how information is sent and in what format it is sent. Some of the different network protocols used today include TCP/IP (Internet and UNIX favourite), IPX (Novell), Appletalk (MAC), DECnet and various others.TCP/IP is quickly becoming the networking protocol and is the one I concentrate on in this subject.B) Network servicesTo be of use to users the network will provide various services including file, print and device sharing, electronic mail etc.1.3 TYPES OF NETWORKSA) Network categoriesLAN (local area network)All the hosts in the network are directly linked to each other. For example most of the computers on the ground floor of the IT building at CQU are part of a LAN.WAN (wide area network)Much larger than a LAN and all machines are not directly connected. WANs will generally have a lower throughput than a LAN. All of the LANs on the CQU campus connect and form a WAN.1.4 SOME MORE DEFINITIONS...

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