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International Business

Measuring a potential business venture has many aspects that the international manager must be aware of in order to convey the correct information back to senior. Being ignorant to any of these aspects can lead to a false representation of the project, and an uninformed decision being implemented. In order for a business to survive it must grow. For growth to be optimal, management must first be able to identify the most prospective leads. The country (in which a venture may take place) as a whole, specifically geography, government, and financial aspects must be looked at in order to yield the best possible picture of the market that the company wishes to enter. Concentration should be placed on gathering reliable facts that are backed up by more than one source. It would be desirable that after creating this picture of the market in the foreign country, senior management's analysis would avoid any possible losses. Success of the multinational corporation lies on the shoulders of it's management. Top management's responsibility at and beyond the organization's boundaries is largely a communication responsibility. Within even some of the largest and most venerable organizations, the process used is inconsistent. CEOs must establish and reinforce an organization's image in the public eye by viewing each target Viewing the public as a client would lead to doing a lot of research consisting of looking at trends, and talking to experts. A CEO focuses on selling what the client wants to buy. Finding a country to conduct business in can be a very easy task or a very difficult one depending on if the organization's top management executes its plans adequately. The way a company normally discovers where to conduct research is through leads on potential operations from outside sources. The selection of which leads to investigate becomes the difficult task. After sifting through the leads and finding the right ones to investigat...

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