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Intelligent Design

Its a complex biosphere with many creatures and organismswhich we haven't even discovered yet. This world and its life forms are so complex wehaven't even come close to solving all its mysteries. All that we humans can do is offersuggestions and theories, but nothing concrete. In this equation we can't even answer themost important question. How was the Earth formed? We offer theories but in the endthey are nothing more than theories. Suggestion to a reason which we can't understand.Why are we here? What is our purpose? If man is looking for a purpose, then is he sayingthat there is a reason he is here? What good would a purpose be if you have no reason for having it? What is your motive? Who are we trying to impress? I guess you can say theEarth is here because we just got lucky. In the right place at the right time. There is noreason for it, it just happened. On the other side of the coin is the possibility that someoneor something is behind this, an intelligent designer. In the "Design Theist's Argument", discussion we touched on two premises. Letstalk about "Premise Number One". This premise is that the world is like a machine. Amachine consist of parts, which work together. This is how we usually can tell somethingis a machine. The world is broken into parts then. What are these parts? To Believe thispremise you must believe the parts exist and be able to tell that they're there. Can wedepicted different parts? Is the ocean a part? Is the air a part? What about the soil? Letssee, if these thing are a part of the whole machine, being the Earth, then if we take oneaway the machine will not work properly. If we took away the air would it make adifference? Of course it would. Trees and animals need air to breath. Without air thingswould begin to die off, change, break down. So by removing the air we have in a sensetaken away part of the Earth, right. By taking away that part of the Earth, the "machine" isbroken. If you look at the Ea...

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