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In the Post WWII Era

In the post World War II era, a war arose between the Soviet Union and the United States, but in reality there was never really any documented fighting between the two nations, thus spawning the catch phrase “Cold War”. Even though both countries were ready to go to war at the blink of an eye and almost did, the powers-that-be never got the nerve to authorize a nuclear war that would have made World War II look like child’s play. This was a war fought in the political ring and a war that did not start at the end of World War II; this war started during the war against Hitler and lasted for forty more years before peace became predominant over the crumbling Soviet Union.Many events occurred in this political heavyweight bout, and both sides can be blamed for the extremity the tensions escalated to, and this Cold War would have been tough to avoid taking into account the political beliefs of the countries at hand. During the war, once the Allied powers from the west joined forces with Stalin’sRed Army, trouble was inevitable. Luckily for the world, America had a great leader andforeign diplomat in Franklin D. Roosevelt while England countered with WinstonChurchill. This duo created a steady working relationship with Stalin, thus creating theBig Three and the Grand Alliance. Even though it was far from a perfect relationship, allthree diplomats realized the task at hand, the mandate of stopping Adolph Hitler and theNazi regime of Germany. Sadly, this priority overwhelmed the Big Three, and nosolution was ever conjured up on how to handle the Post-War situation in Europe andAsia following an Allied victory. Understandably, stopping Hitler was far fromguaranteed, but any plan that was taken by the Allies in Europe never even consideredthe implications of how to handle the war-torn countries of Eastern Europe afterwards,an area that the Soviets had suffered many casualties and other losses to free from fascistcontrol...

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