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In The Name of The Father

A hot topic thatA hot topic that always draws an interested ear to the conversation is ones' views on social justice. The mere mention of the words draws people from far and wide and from all mixes of society. The main problem seems to come up when people really don't know what social justice issues face their society and the rest of the world. The question comes up of how much real knowledge of this subject do people invest in. It is quite surprising how many half truths that run rampant in any society. The whole idea around the word social is society but they tend to be for the most part in the dark on the subject. The people who have the monopoly of truth are the people instituting the injustice and the few who are publicly opposing them. The movie, "In The Name of The Father," portrays a social injustice that took place in England. It is a story of a family that was wrongly imprisoned for a crime they did not commit. The two main characters who are suspected of the bombing are Paul Hill and Gerry Conlin. They are both from Belfast, Ireland and are in England to get away from all the craziness in their hometown. The two of them are shortly arrested after Gerry robs a prostitute's apartment. They took the money he stole and started spending it like they were truly wealthy. Gerry decided to return home and share his new wealth. Little did they know that this night would be the start of the downfall for them. Gerry and Paul are both arrested but neither knows why this is happening to them. They are both being held on a new law that allows police the right to hold possible terrorists for seven days before charging them. This gave the police the power to arrest anybody they wanted and do with them as they want for seven whole days. This power is never a good thing to give anybody and it did not work well here either. The police tortured them both and got names and anything they can use against them. The whole time t...

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