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Important conclusions in centessimus annus

Important Conclusions In Centesimus Annus The encyclical letter Centesimus Annus, was written on the one hundredth anniversary of Pope Leo XIII encyclical Centesimus Annus was written to honorRerum Novarum, but to also honor the encyclicals anddocuments that helped Rerum Novarum become such an importantpart of history. Pope John Paul II writes that the purposesof Centesimus Annus are to look back at Rerum Novarum, tolook at the new things that surround us, and to look to thefuture for it is hard to tell what will happen in the nextmillennium. Centesimus Annus has many very important pointsand the Pope concludes them with lots of different reasonson why they are so significant.Over the next few pages Iwill give the three most important conclusions, do the bestto my knowledge to try and give reasons that the pope givesto support his claims. The three conclusions range from howa business can be successful, to the roles that businesseshave their countries to grow, and to government, businessesand society’s role in human growth.The first of the three important conclusions that thepope draws upon starts with the assumption that profit isthe goal of every business and that a business is successfulif they make a profit. This is true, but according to thepope in Centesimus Annus, the business will be trulysuccessful if they place more emphasis on the followingtopics: placing more stress on worker to worker relations,the dignity of work, and the developing of skills as well asvirtue. The pope first stresses his argument in section 35saying “ It is possible for the financial accounts to be inorder a yet for the people, who make up the firms mostvaluable asset, to be humiliated... the purpose of abusiness firm is not simply to make profit, but is to befound in it’s very existence as a community of persons.” This restates his conclusion, saying that of course thepurpose is to make a profit, but the workers must all ...

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