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Importance of Philosophy

All things in life are philosophical. This is a well-known quote by the renowned Greek scientist/philosopher Aristotle. When one is to imagine life without thought, free will or knowledge, they are left to only imagine the oblivion they would be left to reside in. To me, philosophy is more than ethics, esthetics, and epistemology... it is the ability to stand ones ground with certain viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs. Philosophy seemed to be the center of the majority of peoples lives Before the Common Era, yet today it also upholds just as much, if not more, importance to the normal person than of the scientist or renowned theorist. Philosophy makes people who they are, their own philosophy. Philosophy then becomes an attitude, and life is all about how you maintain your personal stance. When you allow yourself to be persuaded by other popular philosophies and beliefs you weaken your own.When one is to think of a philosophical question and discussion, one is to recall many aspects that must take place for the statement to be theoretical. (Including conjectural support and content.)If there is life after death, we do not live. Therefore, if we do not live, we do not die.This statement was said in a conversation that I had in a Humanities and Religion class that I took my senior year of high school. The person who takes credit for this rousing phrase is Judith Schoenfeld. Judith was a German exchange student with extreme atheistic views. She stood her ground well and proudly when speaking of life after death and/or any other subjects that would concur or clash with her own beliefs. She was the epitome of the philosophical atheist and the adamant anti-Christian. She claimed that if the definition of living is as follows: you are born, you have emotion, you endure physical pain, you interact with other people, you mature, you age, you acquire certain beliefs and then, in the end, die. Her statement is a prime example of phi...

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